Bioenergy: a reliable and flexible solution for residential heating, derived heat and industrial processes.
In 2018, 49 % of the bioheat in the EU was used by the residential sector, followed by industry (26 %) and district heating (17 %). In the residential sector small and medium size appliances are predominant, their modernisation (when necessary) and correct maintenance and installation are key to the abatement of air emissions. District heating networks are essential to smart sector integration – they increase energy efficiency and give access to new low carbon sources. Yet, in the EU these networks remain largely reliant on fossil fuels, with renewables greening 27 % of their heat production. Furthermore, half of the heat produced from biomass is consumed by that of the residential sector (42.581 ktoe).
District heating and individual biomass heating systems are an important part of the solution. Alongside energy efficiency, they offer an affordable and renewable source of heat. Now, more than ever, long-term strategies to decarbonise the building sector are needed to advance the switch from fossil to renewable solutions.
In 2018, industry represented 16 % of the final energy consumption of heat in the EU, with only 13 % of this from renewables, and almost entirely bioenergy (99 %).